A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

The[dun]geon is a text-based rogue-like roleplaying game. Made entirely in Python, game uses names, toponims, entities, weapons, objects and characters from the text files, so everything can be added/deleted/edited anytime anywhere. Try it out yourself! Folders are: "chargen", "storygen" and "eventgen". Rules of the game is in README file.



Install instructions

There's compiled .exe file that will run the game in Windows' command line. Alternatively there's .py file there as well, that can be run on anything that runs python files :)


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Hey, there! I've just played your game and I wanted to say it looks promising. I've also looked through your python code and I think that with a little effort, you can make it a little more readable for someone who is seeing it for the first time :P . But otherwise, yeah, good effort!